
April 8, 2010

Still printing brochures? On paper?

Organizations that mow down trees to publish paper brochures do it because daddy did it.

Long experience tells them they can impress the hell out of prospects with glossy, colorful, brochures and catalogs – after, of course, the long pause for snail mail to arrive. Maybe there’s a stamped, die-cut, embossed folder with a DVD showing videos of the factory/campus/products/whatever. (Eight bucks a copy, eight days to arrive.)

In the meanwhile, their competitors (the ones playing by our decade’s rules) zipped up-to-date, personalized info via email and YouTube and website links, asked for feedback, answered questions, looked responsive and resourceful, opened the door to a sale. Virtually zero bucks variable cost, and zero thumb-twiddling delay.

We used to publish a paper brochure, too, but stopped 15 years ago.
