June 17, 2013
Quick, insightful, amusing thoughts to energize your brandJune 8, 2013
The Doctor’s three toupees: brand and authenticity
May 28, 2013
How’s your brand visibility? SEO and Google, post-Penguin.
May 5, 2013
Brand suicide
April 24, 2013
Serial brainstorming with The Concept Dispenser™
April 21, 2013
The branding lesson of “Manatee gray.” Target’s blunder, or triumph?
April 3, 2013
Forget “maximize shareholder value.” It leads to horsemeat in the lasagna.
March 28, 2013
How can you double sales? Triple? Ten-tuple?
March 20, 2013
Think outside the bubble. Category experience can kill creativity.
March 18, 2013
Exclude the never-gonnas