What do Darwin's finches have to do with my business?
You must adapt, too, for Darwinian survival
Your prospects long ago adapted to new sources of information, so they can actively ignore all of your “sales” messages. Hello Google, goodbye encyclopedias. Hello Instagram, goodbye catalogs. Hello LinkedIn, goodbye networking club. Prospects won't answer your voice mail, or respond to your letter, or fish you out of the spam filter because they’re certain they make good buying decisions using their own research – when they’re good and ready. They want to find, not be found. Buyers, not sellers, grip the steering wheel, and control transactions. Are your competitors leveraging these tectonic shifts? Deal with it.
We adapted, too, evolving from ad agency in the '90s to branding agency today. Advertising is merely one tactic, no longer a strategy, and declining audiences make old-media ads less cost-effective year after year. (Newspaper readers under 30 are rare.) Any brand using 100% “push” marketing because “that’s the way we’ve always done it” is an endangered species.

Must you adapt? Of course. The rules have changed, the tools have changed, and budgets can’t be frittered away on obsolete tactics like printed matter. We’re here to help you evolve. Call.
*If you’re curious about the evolutionary importance of those Galapagos finches, there are many good books on the subject. We recommend The Beak of the Finch as a readable text that demonstrates how quickly evolution can take place in times of great change.